The Senate of Religious Educators is a professional organization of dedicated, faithful catechetical leaders who are accountable for the catechetical ministry in the parish.  Rooted in the Gospel, they are called to implement the catechetical ministry in the parish.
Senate privileges include:

       ·  Professional development
       ·  Personal growth and support
       ·  Timely resources
       ·  Networking and sharing
       ·  Book recommendations
       ·  Regular communications
       ·  Advocacy for the ministry
       ·  Light lunch at meetings
              o Members: $3
              o Non-members: $5

Individuals may choose full membership or associate membership.

Full Membership: $40
Full membership requires an annual membership fee that carries the privilege of final decision-making, gives discounts for all Senate-sponsored events and materials that require payment, and offers discount membership to NCCL.

Associate Membership: $15
Associate members choose to participate on a limited to an as-needed basis, have no voting privileges, are invited to all Senate-sponsored events without discount, and are offered discount membership to NCCL.

To register, please fill out the form under the "Registration" tab completely.  A completed application, including fees, is due by October 1, 2010.